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Hacking into the AS "Refugees" database

CyberPartisans hacked into the Refugees database and obtained internal documents from the Citizenship and Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus during Operation Heat in 2021.

We are attaching screen shots of the records of foreigners who were wanted for crimes in their home countries and who applied for refugee status in Belarus.

Among the documents there are also fact sheets that were compiled at the request of a number of different structures of the Republic of Belarus. They contain data from open sources on a variety of issues, including:

🔺 The human rights situation in the Russian Federation, in the USA and in other countries.

🔺 The situation of the Russian language population in Ukraine.

🔺 Political persecution in Cuba, etc.

By the way, up to and including the year 2021, this information is quite adequate (see the screenshots). For example, they write about human rights problems in the Russian Federation and the lack of oppression of Russian speakers in Ukraine. 🤓

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